
Health, Beauty, Fitness, and Lifestyle Asia 2010

Health, Beauty, Fitness, and Lifestyle Asia 2010
August 13-15, 2010
World Trade Center, Metro Manila

On its 5th year, HBFL Asia promises to be even bigger and better positioning itself in the biggest and well-known trading site in the Philippines, World Trade Center, Metro Manila on August 13 - 15, 2010, renewing its commitment in promoting the growing industry of beauty hubs, health and wellness businesses as well as continuously showcasing t he Philippines as one of the medical tourism spot of Asia as well as bringing in new products, technologies and services from all over the world.

There are three co-located events 3rd HEALTH CARE ASIA, 3rd BEAUTY OF LIFE ASIA & 3rd FITNESS & LIFESTYLE ASIA which were comprised of detailed programs and activities for the three-day event.  Each day promises to be unique and distinct from the other catering to the holistic concept of the expo.

visit HBFLAsia for more info.


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